Baby Crib

Created Using Photo impact version XL

skill Level intermediate.

Author; Jane Davidson

Web site: Jane's Haven.

Email: Here

Terms of Use: here

Tools used: Path drawing tool, transform tools, Air brush,

These files are optional, as you can use your own: Lace here, bows; here


  1. open a new image, background color; i used; #3B9AED size; 480X480 pixels.


2, post; left front post, using the path drawing tool, rectangle, color; #FFC8FF or use your own color, size; 28X399, 3D chisel, use the transform tools, perspective; to make the top slightly narrower. in the material options set it to; border 8, width; 30, use the light bulb to adjust the light, with the light to the left

3. Adding 3 post. duplicate the first post and place it on the right side. duplicate 2 more times, reduce the length to; 351 pixels high. send both to the back and place them closer together for the back post. Please see example at left.                                                                


4. crib head; Using the path drawing tool, open the menu and find Arch 3. size;34X99 in the same color as the post. 3D round, border/2. width; 30. place this between the two post on the left. resize it if you need , to make it fit.

using transform tool, slant, grab the left middle handle and move the left side down a bit. send this behind the left front post.

5. Crib end; duplicate the arch we just made, flip  it horizontally, place it between to two post on the right. resize the width to make it smaller to fit between to two post, send this piece behind to right front post.

6. Sides; Draw and rectangle, same color, 3D round. border;6, width; 4, size; 310X14 pixels. place it between the left and right post, in the front. duplicate this piece, place it under the first one and downwards a few  pixels.

draw another rectangle same color , 3D, with the border;2  depth of 30, size; 4X60, place this between the two rectangles we just drew. duplicate 25 times and space them across from one post to the other, select all 26, align top and space evenly horizontally and group, send them behind the two horizontal pieces.

7. side 2, Select the pieces you just made, with the top and bottom rectangles and group these, duplicate and send all the way to the back, resize the width so that they don't show beyond each end of the crib and move it up above the front side.

8,Sheet; Path drawing tool, shape rounded rectangle, color white size; 296X25 pixels, in the path panel, under shape, set the roundness to;28.

use the transform, perspective, to pull the front outwards. place place this behind the two side pieces.

9. mattress;  draw another rounded rectangle, size; 309X53, color; I used the same color pink, set the roundness to; 45, 3D round, border; 23, depth; 30, place this under the sheet and send it behind the side and behind two from post.


10. skirt; Draw a rectangle, 2D, size; 31X161 pixels. any color, go to gradient fill, click on multiple colors,  When the palette ramp opens, scroll down and click on preset 018 or the color of your choice. set the direction for the fill type from left to right, see left.

the example at left is what I have. duplicate this piece 11 times or until you have enough to fit across the crib, place them side by side, select all the pieces and right click arrange, align bottom and place them just above the mattress, under the sheet.

Using the transform tool, perspective, select the first strip on the left and grab the middle handle on the left and slant this side slightly upwards. do the same for the last strip on the right, using the middle handle on the right. See example on the left.

11. finishing skirt; I have provided a link for the lace I made, at the top of the page, for download or you may use your own. If using mine, you may have to resize it to fit across the top of the skirt.

then I used the airbrush with these settings; size; 10, soft edge; 50.color; #AA3FAA, on the lace, paint a line matching with the dark line of the skirt, where the skirt panels meet.

duplicate the lace and place it across the bottom of the skirt.



12. shading; Select the back pieces of the side, the two horizontal pieces and all the vertical parts and merge as a single object, use the brightness and contrast feature. click on the bottom left square twice to darken the back side.

Select the front pieces of the side. right click and give it a shadow, see settings at left, use the default setting.


I added the bows and completed the crib.

After completing this Tutorial feel free to download the award on the left.
This award is offered to you on the honor system. Right click and save to your own folder. Please do not link to any of my graphics. Thank you.

This on was done by Nicky.