Easy Circus Tent

While playing Photo Impact with shapes, this is the result.

You may use your own creativity while doing this tuorial.

Created with Ulead Photo Impact.

PI Version- I am using version12, I am certain it can be done in earlier versions, from PIXL on up to PI12.

Skill Level: Intermediate

Author: Jane Davidson

Web Site: Jane's Haven


Terms of Use

Path drawing tool, perspective, burn tool, effects.


  1.Open a new image, background, depends on the colors you use for the tent., I am using a light blue size; 500X450.


2.Using Vertical lines path shape, In 2D, I used a red color, draw the shape about 250X212 pixels.

3.Duplicate this shape and change the color, I used white. Slide this white shape over until it covers the spaces in the red shape. Select both shapes, right click. align top and merge as a single object, duplicate this merged piece and set it aside. I duplicated again and used for the door.

4.Using the transform tool, click on perspective and using the left top handle, push it inwards to reduce the width at the top. Next use the bottom right or left handle and pulled the bottom outwards.

5, Tent top. Bring your duplicate shape back to the main image, the one we started with, this is for the tent top. Resize to; 225X142, Place it at the top of the first shape, over lapping a bit of the top of the bottom shape.

6. Using perspective again, pull the top together, see example. At this point, I noticed the bottom edge was some what blurred. Duplicate, align both and merge as a single object.

7, Lets add a post for the very top. Using the rectangle shape, color; I used a dark brown, size; 8X71 in 3D. Pace at the top center. Send to back,

8. Using shape A08, see left,  size' 58WX51H,in  2D, color, I used a red, rotate right 90% and place on the post.

9. The door opening. Using the rectangle shape, size; 64wX105H, 2D, color; I used;#630A0A, Place at the bottom center to line it up with the bottom, Duplicate, change to 2D pipe., border 2; depth 1, place this over the rectangle we just made. We need another rectangle,

 I saved the duplicate of the top part of the tent, but you can use any color you wish, It should be the same size as the first door rectangle, place this rectangle over the 3D pipe and send behind the 3D pipe shape. Select all three rectangles, align Center both and make sure they are lined up with the bottom of the tent.

10, Select the 3D pipe and the  rectangle under it and merge as a single object. Keep selected.

Go to effect, all, find turn page. Use the settings at the left.

11. Lets do some shading. select the very first shape we made, grab the burn tool, setting; size; 45, soft edge; 100 to darken the top edge, under the bottom edge of the tent top.

 Thanks for doing my tutorial, hope you had fun

This is by Nicky. Wonderful work Nicky.

Thanks so much, your a gem.

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