Easter Egg Cross

Paint Shop Pro Tutorial

I used Version 9 but I am reasonably sure it can be done in many other versions as well.

You must have a working knowledge of where the tools are located in PSP.

by Jane's Haven

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Selections for PSP Version 7, here

Unzip the selection to folder of your choice.

Patterns, add the gold pattern to your psp patterns folder. Open the wood pattern in your workspace. Get them Here.

1. New transparent image, size; 318X360 pixels.
2. New layer, name it, left decoration, load from disk the, 01-leftdecoration, flood fill with white. If you added the gold pattern to the patterns folder, we will continue. Next, go to effects, texture effects, sculpture, use the settings below.


3. New layer, name it, right decoration, load the, 02-rightdecoration, fill with white and add the same sculpture effect as in the last step. Deselect.
4.  New layer, name it, egg, load from disk the, 03-egg, flood fill with, I used a two toned red gradient with the style sunburst. Float and add the following cutout.

V and H; 0

Opacity; 100

Blur; 51.00

Color; Black


5. New layer, name it, vertical cross, load the, 04-verticalcross, flood fill with white. Next, go to effects, texture effects, sculpture and use the settings below, with the gold 1 pattern.


6. New layer, name it, horizontal cross, load from disk the, 05-horizontalcross, flood fill with white. Add the same sculpture settings as in the last step and deselect.
7. New layer, name it, holder, load the, 06-holder. flood fill with a wood pattern or you can use the one provided. I used the following settings for my wood pattern, angle; 0, scale; 100. Now add an inner bevel with the settings below.


That is all there is. To tube your egg cross, go to the laner panel and merge visibel.

Above are Cellars results, shows what it looks like in a different color. Thanks my friend for testing for me.


©by Jane's Haven, All rights reserved except where otherwise stated.