Santa Claus Tutorial Created with Ulead Photo Impact PI Version- I am using version12, I am certain it can be done in earlier versions, from PIXL on up to PI12. Skill Level: Intermediate Author: Jane Davidson Web Site: Jane's Haven
Tools Needed- Path drawing tools, paint brush,
blur, burn, airbrush, edit tools, dodge. |
Don't forget to save your work. |
Right sleeve
Left sleeve
Completed Sleeve
Step 7 Santa Coat. Path Drawing tool, ellipse, color: E50900, 2D, size: 145X178. Go into path edit mode again, shown at left are examples after it is edited. As you can see you have to add nodes. Looks somewhat strange, huh.:)) Lets make the sleeves before we add shading. Path drawing tool ellipse, color: same as above,E50900, 2D for now, size: 99X58, you guessed it, path edit mode. Add nodes to get the shape at the left. Left Sleeve. Path drawing tool, ellipse, 2D for now, color same as above, size: 108X77. Path edit mode, add nodes or points which ever you want to call them. See illustration at left. We are going to add shading, first to the main coat piece. Right click convert to image. Using the burn tool with these settings:
Burn shading into to coat at the bottom, as I have done, see image left. Change to size of the burn settings to 5, burn where the sleeve pulls the coat. You may have to go over them a couple of times. Using the blur tool at the default settings blur these lines to blend well. Lets go on to the sleeves to add shading. Right click, convert to an image, using the burn tool using these settings, size:5, soft edge: 51, Level: 100. two lines where the arm bends. Paint on edges, Paint brush, settings, color: #9E0B09 size:10, transparency: 0 soft edge: 100, select the sleeve and paint on edges. take the blur tool, with these settings, size: 20, soft edge: 50, level: 5 to blend the POE. Left sleeve is done the same way as the right sleeve. convert to an image, using the burn tool with these setting, size: 5, soft edge:51, Level 100. Using the blur tool with these settings, size: 20, soft edge: 50, level: 5 to blend. See example at left. Paint brush, settings, color: #9E0B09 size:10, transparency: 0 soft edge: 100, select the sleeve and paint on edges. take the blur tool, with these settings, size: 20, soft edge: 50, level: 5 to blend the POE. On the left is what my finished sleeve looks like. We have to finish the main part of the coat by paint on edges. Paint brush setting, color: #9E0B09
Using the blur tool, size: 20, softedge:100, Level: 5, blend the POE. Grab the dodge tool with these settings:
On the bottom of the coat on both sides of where we used the burn tool , use the dodge tool to lighten to make the shading stand out and blur it again. At left is what I have now. Send the coat behind santa's beard. The sleeves are front. | |||||||||
Step 8 Coat Details Buttons, Path drawing tool, circle, 3D, any color for now, draw a circle, size:10X10, preset: metallic, Copper 3 or color of your choice. duplicate, place them on the right side of santa's coat, near the left edge. The second button goes under the sleeve, as he will have a mitten on, it has to be seen. Lets make the belt, with the shape, in version 12 it is shape:S46, example at left, size 137X60, 2D, color: Black, flip it vertically. Click to go to edit mode, I added 4 nodes, see shape left. Belt Buckle. Using the Outline drawing tool, shape rounded rectangle, 3D, width: 2, preset copper 3, draw a shape, size: 21X20, place it on the belt, rotate freely to the right, a tiny bit, so that it lines up with the belt. Then draw an ellipse size: 8X3, same preset, copper 3. Place it on the buckle as shown, rotate freely like you did the buckle. Change to black belt to 3D, width 10, depth 30, open the material optioins, set it to 3 lights all direct, close it and open the material adjustment window, use the light bulb, to set the lighting as illustrated. Belt loop, Path drawing tool Rounded Rectange, white, size:10X43, adjust the roundness to 53. fill it with the whitefur preset. Rotate freely to the right to line it up with the belt.
Step 9
Fur cuffs and coat trim. We are going to do the coat trim in 4 different parts. Using the Path drawing tool ellipse, 2D, white, draw an ellipse, size: approximitly 36X63. second one is 111X55, third one is 41x33 and the fourth piece, size:33x26, go into path edit mode, you need to some points on each one, edit them to the example at left. Then apply the white fur preset, now they should be in 3D. Place these four pieces around the bottom of the coat. You may group them if you like, make sure they go over the very bottom of the coat a tiny bit.
The right cuff and left cuff. Path drawing tool, ellipse, 2D, white, size 23X40, path edit mode and add a point or as many as you need to get the shape on the left. Draw another ellipse 34X55, same color, and edit it the way it is in the example at left. Fill these two with the whitefur preset. It should be 3D after applying to preset. Are you saving?
Step 10 Santa's Pants. Another ellipse using the path drawing, color:E50900. 2D, draw an ellipse size:53X59, go to edit mode, add nodes, as many as you need to get the shape similar to mine, on left. Draw another ellipse 27X25 same color as the left pant leg, in 2D. The examples are left. Select the pant legs and paint on edges with the settings at left with this color:#9E0B09. Use the blur tool with the settings opposite to blur around the edges. On the left pant leg, take the burn tool and burn on the left so that it looks like a shadow from the left pant leg. Burn tool settings: size:20, soft edge: 50 and Level:100.
Step 11 Pant cuffs. Path drawing tool, ellipse, color: white, 2D for now, size:55X33, go into path edit mode, to get the shape in the illustration at left. They are both, left and right pant cuff. for the right pant cuff, draw another ellipse a little smaller, and edit it like the example. Fill both of these with the whitefur preset, make sure the are 3D. |
Step 12 Santa's Boots. Path drawing tool, ellipse, size:36X63, color black, 2D for now, go into path edit mode work with the nodes until the shape is similar to the example left. Draw another ellipse size: 68X48 for the right boot and again edit mode, see example on left. Select the left boot, in the material options change it to 3D width 18, depth 30, one light, direct, use the light bulb to move it to the very tip of the boot, at the bottom. Send these behind the pant cuff. We need to make a heel for the right boot, with the path drawing tool, rectangle color, black 2D, Size:14X6, slide it under the back of the left boot and change to path edit mode and pull the top right node out a bit to the right. Send this heel behind the boot. |
Step 13 Santa's Mittens Path drawing tool, ellipse color: E50900, size:39X56 2D. click into path edit mode, add points and edit like the shape at left. When you have like the shape in the example, NOTE:(we are working on the mitten on the right in the image), right click convert to an image, grab the airbrush, with these settings at left, color: #480E0E, very carefully airbrush like the image, it is larger than actual size, you may have to go over it twice. It needs to be blurred.
Set your paint brush to the settings at left, color:#8B0A0A and hold down the shift key and the letter P, at the same time to paint on edges. Blur the edges with these settings. Do the other mitten the same way, starting with the ellipse, edit mode, the same color, as the illustration on the left. Except omit the airbrush as we don't see the palm of his left hand. Go and paint on edges and blur the edges. Send behind the cuffs. Use your imagination with something in his hand, like his sack full of goodies or a wrapped gift. You have completed Santa Claus, Congratulations!!!!!
After completing this Tutorial feel free to download
the award on the left. |
I want to thank Jeaney for testing this tutorial for me. You did a terrfic job Jeaney. On the left Jeaney's santa, it is excellent. If you click on him you can visit her site. |
Copyright©Jane Davidson This document may not be translated, duplicated, redistributed or otherwise appropriated