I call this and Elite Sleigh Tutorial using Paint Shop Pro Version 9. I am sure it can be done in other Versions as Well

By Jane's Haven.

We Will Be Using Selections Which you Can Download HERE. Included in the zip are the gift boxes, text and bow.

Sleigh Selections for Version 7, here

1. Open a new transparent image size: 512X356.
2. Open a new layer and name it, back side, go to selections, Load/Save from disk and load the 1-backside sel. Flood fill with a light gray and white gradient or color of your choice. I used the sunburst   style for the gradient. Invert the selection and give it a drop shadow with these settings.

Vertical and Horizontal 0.

Opacity, 45

Blur, 28.00

Color black.


3.Add a new layer, name it, back trim, load the 2-backtrim sel. Flood fill, I used a gold gradient, sunburst style.. Add an inner bevel with these settings.


4. New layer, name it back side trim2, load the 3-backsidetrim2 sel, flood fill with a gold gradient with the sunburst style. Add the same inner bevel as the last one. Deselect.

5. Add a new layer, name it, main front, load the 4-mainfront sel, flood fill with the same gradient as you did the back side, a gray and white. Invert the selection and add the same drop shadow as we did for the back side above. Dese;ect.
6. A new layer, name it front trim, load the 5-fronttrim sel, flood fill with the gold sunburst gradient and add the same inner bevel, as we did on the back trim, Deselect.
7. New layer, name it front trim2, load the, 6-fronttrim2 sel, flood fill with the gold gradient, add the same inner bevel. Deselect.
8. Add a new layer, name it fronttrim3, load the 6a-fronttrim3 sel, flood fill with the same gold gradient. Add the same inner bevel, Deselect/
9. Add a new layer, name it, bottom trim1, load the 7-bottomtrim1 sel, flood fill with the same gold gradient, add the same inner bevel, Deselect.
10. Add a new layer, name it, bottom trim2, load the 8-bottomtrim2 sel, flood fill with the gold gradient and add the same inner bevel. Deselect.

11. Add a new layer, name it, bottom blade, load the 9-bottomblade sel, flood fill with the gold gradient and add the same inner bevel. Deselect.
12. Add a new layer, name it, bolts, load the 10-bolts sel, flood fill with either the gold gradient. Add an inner bevel with the settings below.


13. We are going to add a shadow between the back side and main front. Click on the main front layer in the layer palette and use the settings below, click ok. Hi-light the shadow layer by clicking on it and use the eraser to erase the shadow under the main front and on the sides. See settings below for the eraser.

Below are the eraser settings.

14l. H-light the back trim layers, one at a time, got to adjust, brightness and contrast, use these setting, brightness minus 63 and contrast 0. Remember do this to both back trims. Repeat with the back side layer
15.Now to add the decorations, which I have included in the zip or you are free to use your own. If you use mine, the first step is to open them, the presents, the text and bow in your work space., edit, copy the presents, minimize and stand on the main front shadow 1 layer, add a new layer, load the 11-presents sel. Got to edit past into selection. Deselect.
16. To Add the text, edit copy the text, now you can close it. hi-light the very top layer. Go to your sleigh image and past as a new layer, use the mover tool to place it on the side. Now do the same with the bow.

Your elite Sleigh is completed. I hope you have used some of your own imagination along the way.

A big thanks to Cellar, your a great friend.